ein moment des schmerzes
ja es schmerzt
das herz
warum hab ich nur
den traum teilen wollen
mit einem wesen
das diesem traum
die anerkennung versagte
oder hat es sich selbst den mut für diesen traum versagt?
vielleicht sogar nur bisher versagt?
hat es erkannt
dass ein traum (mit)geteilt wurde?
oder hab ich gar versäumt
dies auch verständlich zu tun?
dieses wesen weiß gar nicht
dass es die macht hat(te)
den traum zu stören
denn vor der zerstörung
war die tür zu
das wesen hatte selbst die tür geschlossen
mit seinem schweigen
manchmal ist schweigen sehr schmerzhaft
wer hätte dies noch nicht erfahren
wohl wissend?
dass es sonst meinen traum zerstören würde
heile mit vergebung - i am sorry - please forgive me - i love you
heile mit segen
heilung mit der dankbarkeit für das rechtzeitige schließen der tür
heilung mit der hingabe an diesen traum
heilung mit dem mut diesen traum weiterhin zu träumen
emerald - der strahl der heilung - der strahl der verbindung
singe singe und lächle mein herz
schau ihn an den schmerz
halt ihn aus den schmerz
dann wird aus dem schmerz kein leid
er durfte heilen - darf es immer noch
from my heart
to your heart - my dear friend
i so dearly hope your heart also was allowed to heal
rainbow blessings
Montag, 14. Juni 2010
Samstag, 12. Juni 2010
in media luz
in media luz
sharing in trust
my innerst
shurely only one is trusting
who feels worth
or has learnt to believe in this trust
has learnt that trust
any time shows the love, the truth
y todo a media luz
left back - who is left and who has left
there is no difference
who of the two has taken the greed's need
left the eagle down in the weed
let the eagle fly to the universe's truth
y todo a media luz
the tango runs and runs
we’ve all thrown our guns
who knows the tears
who kisses the cheeks
who makes the choice
there is no advice
what is the price
there is only love
told that was a lie
but the oily skin shines in the moon
light and clear and blue
is it a lie - is it true
who judges - there is no difference
sha sha sha
sharing in trust
my innerst
shurely only one is trusting
who feels worth
or has learnt to believe in this trust
has learnt that trust
any time shows the love, the truth
y todo a media luz
left back - who is left and who has left
there is no difference
who of the two has taken the greed's need
left the eagle down in the weed
let the eagle fly to the universe's truth
y todo a media luz
the tango runs and runs
we’ve all thrown our guns
who knows the tears
who kisses the cheeks
who makes the choice
there is no advice
what is the price
there is only love
told that was a lie
but the oily skin shines in the moon
light and clear and blue
is it a lie - is it true
who judges - there is no difference
sha sha sha
born in love
born from love
born without love?
born away from love?
born from love
born without love?
born away from love?
born for love
born to love
the lie and the truth
is there any difference
there is an universal lie
there is an universal truth
there is an universal love
and nature shows in the river's flow
where to go
in the river (s)he stays
and divine are time and space
y todo a media luz
you will be the truth
in media luz
there is only light in thruth
free from any abuse
and dreams are born into universal life
by the man and his wife
is there any difference
there is an universal lie
there is an universal truth
there is an universal love
and nature shows in the river's flow
where to go
in the river (s)he stays
and divine are time and space
y todo a media luz
you will be the truth
in media luz
there is only light in thruth
free from any abuse
and dreams are born into universal life
by the man and his wife
it was MEDIA LUZ
it still is MEDIA LUZ
the eagle flies
the painted star on its wings
and the pyramids and diamonds coming out of the earth or so
the eagle flies
the painted star on its wings
and the pyramids and diamonds coming out of the earth or so
the moon becoming round
its light flowing with waters of the river by night
the light of sun flowing by day
flowing and flowing and flowing
from moment to moment to moment
its light flowing with waters of the river by night
the light of sun flowing by day
flowing and flowing and flowing
from moment to moment to moment
keep good care of my baby
once this baby was mine
but what is me and mine
but what is me and mine
if not you and yours
if not we and ours
space and time differ in this every moment
spontanous laugh makes the light shine in any face
and when the world disappears from the mind....
even the relevance of the very terms ....
even the relevance of the very terms ....
"attachment" .........."non-attachment" ...is no more.
the moon grows until she is full
she is he
you will call
I will call
the sun with his repulsion
and counter-repulsion
and then
a Media Luz
the light is seen in the deepest shadow
what is shadow without light
what is light without shadow
in the zero everything is
everything is in the zero
and the eagle flies
to media luz
and then its shadow is seen by all
everything is in the zero
and the eagle flies
to media luz
and then its shadow is seen by all
the black puma
is here to guide
is here to force
is on her side
is for her shine
pumashina she became herself
the black puma has left
an other one has come
not black
no puma
but a DRAGON
and the snake looks up
and the eagle – the puma point her out
they meet
they cheat
they release
they look for the ray
they meet
they may
they are
in Media Luz
the light they always were
cheating is gone
meeting is gone
being is doing
doing is being
the space and the time are the time and the space
it is space and time for Lotus
a Media Luz
a Media Luz
all is TRUTH
and a loud laugh is to be heard
gone the sorrows
gone the arrows
sun and moon are one
the universes here at all
done the bridges
the Lotus
the only one
the light
the star – the blue
the universes
the only one
the light
the star – the blue
the universes
the Dragon is borrn again
the Dragon is here
came to meet
came to lead
came to feed
kiss you
missed you
you may think me crazy
only all-embracing loving
being one with all
all with one
just am
nature's rainbow message
all embracing
only all-embracing loving
being one with all
all with one
just am
nature's rainbow message
all embracing
loving laughing smiling eyes
Sonntag, 6. Juni 2010
the future is born
of instant comprehension – communion
between two people
who are on the same level
at one time
und manchmal merkten sie es nicht einmal
doch das ändert sich jetzt
die aufmerksamkeit wird immer feiner
die balance ist spürbar erlebt
das "ich bleibe bei mir" - die kraft bleibt bei - die kraft ist bei mir/in mir - ich bin diese kraft
egal was passiert
dann ja dann
geschieht das wunder
dass sie es wissen
frei von denken
einfach so
und wunder geschehen
doch das ändert sich jetzt
die aufmerksamkeit wird immer feiner
die balance ist spürbar erlebt
das "ich bleibe bei mir" - die kraft bleibt bei - die kraft ist bei mir/in mir - ich bin diese kraft
egal was passiert
dann ja dann
geschieht das wunder
dass sie es wissen
frei von denken
einfach so
und wunder geschehen
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