"This is a common phrase used amongst your species with what seems like reckless abandon. Perhaps we should examine it further so that we can see exactly what the parameters are. We know that we are prepared by your own culture to understand and embrace the personal truth set up by your belief systems.
This primer is set up to embrace that which is truthful to the self. There are universal truths, life truths, personal truths, mass consciousness truths, and the truth that determines your level of maturity in the grander scale of things. By grander we mean vaster than you can perceive in your human state.
Imagine your wildest wish with it manifesting before you without effort. That's what we are talking about here. Not the willy-nilly stuff. We are speaking of the truth by which dreams this life is made of.
The truth is truly the only solid thought you have. Without it all of the reality you perceive is without substance. It will ultimately lack the fiber necessary to give it substance. To aspire to the truth is a commitment to your existence and evolution. The truth is not always a comfortable place. It means that every moment you expect yourself to live beyond the edges, out of the reach from the ego. A tough spot indeed. You have chosen this essay thus we choose you as well. An exchange of truth can result ultimately in nothing short of god likeness. Heaven is truth. To be in truth is to be in the arms of a higher power, literally. So why would one decide to abandon such things in exchange for, let us say, fear?
Neither can exist in the same space. So after establishing that truth and fear are at odds, one will always find truth and fear cannot evolve together.
You must choose one."
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